Monday, July 30, 2012

Three or Two or One

Dear blog,

Today I got infused for the third time. By the way I had been counting, I am on my third cycle. However, this is technically incorrect. A cycle is two infusions, so I have just started my second cycle. Then again, there is a chance that this treatment will not be effective, and I will have to do a different treatment. By that counting, I am on my first treatment, hence the title.

Last blog, I mentioned that I would get a port consult the next day, which was about 2 weeks ago. The consultation went fine, and I was scheduled for port placement last Friday. After the consult, I got the Neulasta injection to boost my white blood cell count. My white blood cell count had been 1.7 on a 0 to 10 scale (I have met people with AIDS with higher blood cell counts). Neulasta burns, but it must be effective, because this time my count was 8.2.

The port placement went as planned. I was very sore afterwards. They prescribed Percocet. Since they could not be sure in which side of my chest they would place the port, they shaved my whole chest. So, I shaved the rest of my torso because it looked silly. Then I had my wife shave my back, because it still looked silly. Don't worry, there are pictures.

This infusion, so far, has made me feel much sicker, much faster. Already today, I have taken a nap, which I did not on the same day of previous infusions. Also, I am between my third and fourth sittings attempting to eat some chicken ramen soup because I feel sick after only a few bites, which I did not experience on this day of previous infusions. I did, however, bike to and from the infusion.

The PET scan showed some areas of bone marrow disease. This means I am, in fact, stage 4B. This mostly just means that I am at higher risk of recurrence than otherwise.

Funny story: I'm a member of an online fitness tracking website called Fitocracy. I have been using it to advertise my cancer exercise tale. On that site, I am a member of a group called Bearded Barbell Club. One can imagine there are a wide variety of highly fit, burly men in this group, however, there are also some total wussies. Here is how I know: On the 17th, I joined a group challenge to see who in the group (who also joined the challenge (some 29 members)) could log the most points in the 2nd half of July. At the onset, I had anticipated coming in last given that I have fatigue-inducing cancer, fatigue- and nausea-inducing chemotherapy and a surgery scheduled during the challenge period. Yet, I am so far ranked 22 out of 29. I have a hefty margin over the member currently ranked 23rd, so I anticipate maintaining my rank through tomorrow (today being the 30th and second to last day of July).

Bwahahahahaha, wussies!! I tell you say, "Y'all losin' to a guy with cancer."

Full of fried chicken,
-Ian Hogan


Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear the treatment is affecting you even harsher now. Way to beat the wussy bearded barbellers!

Oliver Timmer said...

I am commenting because there is only one comment. This post made me laugh, at the end. If you come out of this I understand that you will have a larger heart for those who suffer. This is what Margarita tells me. I have personally not found this to be true (likely due to my own lack of personal suffering), but Margarita is wise, so I defer to her. I hope you are staying positive, and fit. I suppose you will out push-up me when we meet again, which is unfortunate for me.

Be well